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This delightful lobster salad is a treat to take to any holiday dinner, a great side for turkey or ham and a reminder of how prosperous we really are in this country.
Creamy Lobster and Peas Pasta Salad
What you will need:
16 ounces butterfly pasta
12 ounces frozen peas
2 cups shredded cooked lobster meat
1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1/2 cup juice from lemon
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 minced garlic cloves
1/2 cup heavy cream
How to prepare:
Cook pasta until al dente, adding frozen peas during the last minute of cooking.
Drain, rinse and set aside to cool.
Using a large mixing bowl, combine mayonnaise or salad dressing, lemon juice, Parmesan cheese, minced garlic and 1/4 cup of cream.
Mix well.
Add cooled pasta and peas to mixture and mix. Use more cream if ingredients appear too dry.
Fold in shredded lobster and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Pour into a serving dish and garnish as desired. Parsley sprigs, cracked pepper, pimento pieces, or chives are a few suggestions that will add color and taste to your dish.
Serve with a chilled blush rose wine and a Cesnica type of bread with honey or almond butter.
Cesnica is a round bread that originated in Serbia. During the kneading process, a coin is placed in the dough before baking. When served with the salad, everyone tears off a piece of bread and the person who gets the coin will have a blessed new year. Any unbaked regular bread can be used to create your own version of Cesnica. The purpose of this ritual is to bring a sense of sharing to the group. This is a great way to begin a holiday celebration.
There is no better way to start the holiday season than by gathering around a table with those you love. Dishing up great food and a few surprises, will add an atmosphere of joy and thanks.
This lobster pasta salad recipe is by Katy Long, and also appears here on Kunde Family Winery’s website.