Left: Maine Lobster Festival Chair of Benefactions, Brandy Perkins. Right: Knox County Gleaners Program Director Lorain Francis.
The Maine Lobster Festival recently donated $500 to Knox County Gleaners. The donation was presented by Maine Lobster Festival Chair of Benefactions, Brandy Perkins, and accepted by Program Director Lorain Francis.
The donation will be for a commercial kitchen which will be used to prepare ready to heat and eat meals for recipients at Come Spring Food Pantry and other food pantries in Knox County. They will also be teaching SNAP education classes for the public. Classes will include kitchen skills and food prep to young people looking to enter the restaurant industry, as well as those on early release from the Maine Prison System.
Volunteers at Knox County Gleaners work with local farms to collect and distribute surplus produce to food pantries in Knox County.
About the Maine Lobster Festival
Five days of fun and feasting on the fabulous coast of Maine, the Maine Lobster Festival attracts thousands of people to the Midcoast region and has a long tradition of giving back to the local community. The 2022 Festival will be held Aug. 3-7 and will feature new and exciting events and free admission in celebration of its 75th anniversary. For more information about the Maine Lobster Festival, visit the website at www.mainelobsterfestival.com, “like” it on Facebook, follow it on Twitter at @MELobsterFest, and on Instagram at @mainelobsterfest.