Thank you for your interest in submitting a recipe for the Maine Lobster Festival 75th Anniversary Cookbook. The Maine Lobster Festival is accepting submissions of recipes of all kinds. We are especially looking for those recipes which highlight Lobster, feature local Maine ingredients – such as seafood, vegetables, and fruits, or have a community connection.

In this cookbook, we are showcasing the incredible talent and diversity of our local community. We love Maine and would like this cookbook to tell the story of our history, community, and connection to our natural resources.

We hope for this to become a treasured item for generations to come.

Note: Only online submissions through this page will be accepted.

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Recipe Info

Recipe Details

(Please use only US weights/measures)
(Please use only US weights/measures)


3-5 Photos total (optional).
Tips for food photography:
  • 1. Use natural light. Using your camera or phone flash, or using artificial light, will change the color and appearance of your food, making it look less appealing when printed. Look for areas in and around your house with good natural light and don’t limit yourself to the kitchen!
  • 2. Use a neutral background. We want the emphasis to be on the food! Try to remove background clutter that might distract from your dish. Tables, counters, and cutting boards make for great options.
  • 3. Don’t limit yourself to the dish. Consider shooting the ingredients (hello, lobster), where you got them like a garden, or send us a photo of the author. Old hand-written recipes will look great, too!
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, tiff, id, psd, pdf, Max. file size: 768 MB.
      1000x1000 DPI minimum
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, tiff, id, psd, pdf, Max. file size: 768 MB, Max. files: 3.
        1000x1000 DPI minimum
        MM slash DD slash YYYY