Maine Sea Goddess, Alex Dienesch-Calamari, accompanied by Sea Goddess Coronation chairwoman Sharon Lombardo, visited the State House on Thursday, June 6, 2013 as a guest of Representatives Chuck Kruger, Lizzie Dickerson, and Senator Ed Mazurek.
Dienesch-Calamari, a political science major at Florida’s Stetson University, was given a great reception with a standing ovation by the entire House of Representatives. In a rare gesture, some of the State Representatives even raised their hands to give Dienesch-Calamari the royal wave. She met a number of people during her visit, including former Representative Dave Emery, who represented Rockland in the Maine House and Maine’s First District in Congress.
Dienesch-Calamari’s warm welcome at the State House indicates how highly regarded both the Sea Goddess Coronation and the Maine Lobster Festival are at the State House. The Maine Lobster Festival Committee is busily working on preparations for the 66th Annual Maine Lobster Festival, to be held Wednesday, July 31 – Sunday, August 4, 2013. Receive the most updated Festival information by following the Maine Lobster Festival’s Facebook page at, or by visiting their website at
(Pictured L-R: Sen. Ed Mazurek, Rep. Lizzie Dickerson, Maine Sea Goddess Alex Dienesch-Calamari, Rep. Chuck Kruger, Rep. Jeff Evangelos)