Lobster: A Sustainable Resource in Maine
The Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative provides this list of practices that Maine lobstermen use while harvesting Maine’s staple resource: Female Tail Notching: If a lobsterman catches a female lobster with visible eggs,
Maine Lobster Festival teams up with Go! Malawi for road races
At the Maine Lobster Festival, there’s something for everyone; carnival rides, artwork and craftsmanship by Maine artists, The Big Parade, delicious seafood, and entertainment groups from near and far. Above
The Festival Is Over. Now What?
Though the 67th annual Maine Lobster Festival has come and gone, the work doesn’t end for the Maine Lobster Festival directors. Throughout the rest of the year, the Maine Lobster
Maine Lobster Festival named in Top 10 Best U.S. Summer Food Festivals For 2014
Rockland, Maine spent five wonderful days enjoying succulent, local Maine lobster July 30 through August 3 at the 67th annual Maine Lobster Festival. Our volunteers had a great time meeting visitors
What We Love About The Big Parade
Each year on the Saturday of the Maine Lobster Festival, Rockland Main Street is closed to vehicles for a few hours as we celebrate the Festival in one of the
Two Runners Smash Great Crate Race Record, Tie for First
Nightfall halted the Great International Lobster Crate Race this year, leaving us with two winners, both of whom ran 6,500 total crates. Scarlett Flint, 7, of Warren, ME and